Monday, March 23, 2009

Prom dresses

So last week Emily took me prom dress shopping! It was a lot of fun! I love having a sister around the house that I can do this stuff with. Heres some pictures...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Update and Mona who?

So I got my wisdom teeth out last week and missed about a week of school dealing with the pain and looking like a blow fish. I took a picture but I'm too lazy to put it on the blog and its not too flattering anyway. I pretty much ate yogurt and other soft foods while watching shows on my xbox like Sports Night, New Amsterdam, and Doctor Who. Its been painfully fun! Something good came out of this week, Emily and I redesigned my blog! Do you like it? I do! So I'll leave you with a picture that my friend Alan made a while ago of me. Don't you love it?!

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Everyday Routine

So latley I have gotten into a pretty regular routine. I start out everyday by going to Seminary (If my alarm clock actually wakes me up) and then going home and getting ready for school. Next I endure a day of school and then go to Play practice where I am part of " Beauty and the Beast" as castle ensemble, villager, a mother, and lady with cane. Around 5:30 I get out of play practice where I go strait to work. Here I can get a little homework done when I am waiting for these things called accu cells to finish being tested. Between 7:30-8:30 I finally get home where I finish any homework I didn't do during work, watch some TV and go to bed. here are some pictures!

Here are some pictures that I took when me and my friends were board during play practice, we have so much fun!

These are Accu cells, I work with them everyday when I'm not closing purchasing orders of filing papers. To test them I take a random sample of 10 out of them and fill it with IPA (yellow bottle below) I then put the sample into a machine called the GEN 3 which test the accu cell for five minutes in which I can read, listen to music, and do homework.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Finally posting

So I went to Georgia over my winter break! It was amazingly fun!!! I have started a tradition of inviting my freinds to a fast food restruant every time I visit and just having a party! Heres some pictures from the party! Oh and I have a goal to past here once every week so yall need to hold me to it! Though you probobly know me well enough that it probobly won't happen but still, I will try!