Sunday, March 08, 2009

Everyday Routine

So latley I have gotten into a pretty regular routine. I start out everyday by going to Seminary (If my alarm clock actually wakes me up) and then going home and getting ready for school. Next I endure a day of school and then go to Play practice where I am part of " Beauty and the Beast" as castle ensemble, villager, a mother, and lady with cane. Around 5:30 I get out of play practice where I go strait to work. Here I can get a little homework done when I am waiting for these things called accu cells to finish being tested. Between 7:30-8:30 I finally get home where I finish any homework I didn't do during work, watch some TV and go to bed. here are some pictures!

Here are some pictures that I took when me and my friends were board during play practice, we have so much fun!

These are Accu cells, I work with them everyday when I'm not closing purchasing orders of filing papers. To test them I take a random sample of 10 out of them and fill it with IPA (yellow bottle below) I then put the sample into a machine called the GEN 3 which test the accu cell for five minutes in which I can read, listen to music, and do homework.


Amy and her little family said...

I love this post! Very good idea! You are such a busy girl! How do ever have the time to watch your tv shows? I think that's cool what you do at work. Looks pretty cool.

Emily Christiansen said...

I am excited to see your play.

Lyle said...

You and Emily did awesome on the new back ground and header for your blog!