Sunday, August 01, 2010

Spring Semester's last word

So David and Rachel are both theater majors and so I would often get to see then practice for classes, auditions, or see them just sing to me for fun. It was always a lot of fun having free concerts or singing through shows like "Wicked" or "Miss Saigon" with them!

So the lady on the left of this picture was our tour guide at the conference center when we went to Utah. We thought she looked a lot like Esma from "Emperors New Groove", I just thought I would point her out!

I just really liked this picture of me and Rachel! She was such a great roommate throughout the semester and I'm going to miss hr during my off track!
So this is one of my really good friends throughout the semester and the thing about him is that he is extremely tall. So this day he walked around for about five minutes to be shorter than me just to make me feel good about myself, I loved it!If you havn't figured it out from my other blog post, I'm a bit obsessed with Jamba's so here I am with my friend Megan getting one!
One day me and my friends went to the sand dunes and it had just rained the day before so we could actually make something out of the sand, so we made Squidwards house, it was a lot of fun!
This is one of my favorite teachers, Boss, whom I loved very much! I wish all my teachers could be like Boss!
So Dying Davids terrible hair was on our list if things to do and so here's a picture from that!
One day my roommate Cyndil and me were having one of those days where we were irritated by one of our roommates, and a little at guys too. So we went for a walk and while on that walk we decided to start a compliment wall where we would write nice things obout all of our roommates and hope that it would bring a more possitive atmosphere into the apartment, here's a picture of the wall.
One day we went to the grocery store and there was a giant cart outside. It had a sign that said DO NOT TOUCH, so ofcource I had to to touch it!
Last Valentines we bought a pinata to break on Valentines Day of Optimus Prime. However, when the time came to break it we were attached to it. Over the last two semesters it has becomes our rooms Mascot that we vowed only to break if a guy hurt us enough to want to break things, happily he is still alive and well!
I just really liked this picture of me and one of my Best Friends right now, David!

1 comment:

Natalie Putnam said...

Alright Olivia. I love all the school pictures, but now I am ready to see pictures of your life at Jessica's house. :)